Visio Divina

Visio divina is a form of divine seeing in which we prayerfully invite God to speak to our hearts as we look at an image. While lectio divina is a traditional way of reading a text with the ear of the heart, in visio divina, lectio’s visual cousin, we look at an image with the eye of the heart. As we gaze, present to an image without any particular agenda, we allow it to speak to us in words or wordlessly with a divine voice. 

As Gail Fitzpatrick-Hopler puts it:

Visio Divina facilitates a relationship with an image or subject, patiently being with it, receptive in mind and heart, perhaps even in dialogue with it. In stillness, we allow the image to reach beyond the intellect and into the unconscious level of our being, a place that can't be accessed directly. In wonder, we are invited to look at every aspect of an image and ponder it as an encounter with God. It is a way of seeing an aspect of ourselves in God at the non-verbal, heart level. The canvas then becomes alive with personal meaning meant just for us. This is the same movement of the Spirit we can experience with Lectio Divina and Scripture.

Choose a favorite piece of art, an icon, or a photograph. It doesn’t need to be religious. Don’t worry if you’re not sure why you’re selecting it. Does it vibrate with energy for you? Does it have a sense of mystery? Does there seem to be a story hidden within it? Does it evoke memories, emotions, a mood, or a feeling in your body? 

When practicing visio divina in a group, it’s helpful for the facilitator to leave a long pause between each question, using an intuitive sense of the appropriate length for the pause. Since this is a new experience for many, some people have told me that it’s helpful when the silences aren’t too long because they may start to feel lost. It’s natural with this new way of praying to experience resistance or a sense of confusion: “I don’t know how to do this!” Just trust the process as you would any other contemplative practice, knowing that by entering wholeheartedly into the experience you are saying yes to God’s transformational presence. 

Instructions for Visio Divina.

Read an article about Visio Divina by Gail Fitzpatrick-Hopler of Contemplative Outreach.

Experience a Visio Divina exercise.

Some examples of Visio Divina images.

Watch a recording of a centering prayer meeting that includes a visio divina.


Centering Prayer for Everyone: With Readings, Instructions, and Programs for Home and Group Practice is a welcoming, accessible, and practical guide focusing on five practices - lectio divina, visio divina, walking meditation, chanting the Psalms, and especially the silent practice of centering prayer.   This inclusive handbook explicitly welcomes everyone to these practices whatever their beliefs or doubts. 

Includes a concise guide to visio divina, prayer programs for home and group use incorporating visio divina, and a guide for prayer group leaders.

Available from Amazon here.

Read more about Centering Prayer for Everyone.