Guidelines for Group Spiritual Direction

by Carol Fryer

  1. Commitment to the group – Consistent attendance is important for the group. Trust grows when we are present for one another. If you have to miss a session, please let us know. Remember that the rest of the group is disappointed when you are not there.

  2. Confidentiality – Everything shared in the group stays in the group. Please do not tell anyone what other people in the group share in the group, no matter how tempting it might be. This is crucial for the level of trust necessary for the group to function effectively for everyone.

  3. Do not discuss what was said in the group with anyone, including other members of the group. It might be tempting to share things with your spouse or a close friend but if you do, let it only be things that you have learned about yourself.

  4. Meeting Online -- Never record these meetings for any reason! If there is some background noise or the possibility of anyone else hearing the group, please use headphones.

  5. Be fully present during group meetings, not interacting with any other person, entity, or electronic device.

  6. Pray for each other during and between meetings. Anyone can request time for silence or prayer at anytime during the meeting. Silence is an important context for the meeting. Use it to listen to the Spirit in our midst.

  7. Listening is more important than talking. Avoid cross-talk, interrupting, speaking for others, giving advice, or trying to “fix” another person’s problems or perspectives. Pay close attention to what others are saying, without rehearsing what you will say next. Listen for the movement of the Holy Spirit in the life of the person speaking.

  8. Speak only for yourself about beliefs, feelings, and responses. Speak about your own experiences from the first person – what does someone else’s experience bring up for you? What similar experiences have you had?

  9. Respect and receive what others offer, even if you disagree. Listen to each other with love – try to avoid passing judgment on one another and listen for the feelings behind what is being shared.

  10. Honor the different ways God works in individuals. Each of us is unique and our way of relating to God is unique.

  11. You may always choose not to speak. Recognize that all group members have permission to share only what and when they are ready to share.

  12. Permit me as your facilitator to interrupt you if you inadvertently get off track.