Mission Statement for the Centering Prayer For Everyone Community

Our mission is to provide a welcoming online community in which to practice contemplative prayer in a nurturing and inclusive format. While our group explicitly offers the practices of centering prayer and lectio divina, we welcome anyone who would like to join us in silent practice and sacred listening.

We celebrate the global participation that is available to us through our online community, and have created simple practices to protect and sanctify the online space.

 We select readings from scripture as well as poetry and a variety of faith and wisdom traditions in order to create an atmosphere of openness and inclusivity, and express our deep trust in the power and breadth of contemplative practice. We maintain a consistent format to help participants to enter the prayer space, while occasionally offering other contemplative practices such as visio divina, musica divina, Ignatian meditation, and walking meditation in the interest of exploration and creativity.

Our work is based on the transformative model of Contemplative Outreach.